Welcome to the online press room for Great Lakes Segway and its sister brands: Segway of Central Florida, Pedego Walled Lake and Pedego Mount Dora.
Established in 2010, Great Lakes Segway is a fast-growing and innovative brand dedicated to personal mobilty in its many forms. We invite you to download press releases, photos and videos here.
And be sure to check out our fact sheet.

Public Safety product information
Public safety questions and inquiries:
John E. Smith
Megan Smith
Explore by Topic
- Media Coverage
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EZ Raider Overview Video
EZ Raider Security
Bike Trailer Demo
DVD Segway footage
B Roll for Walled Lake Pedego
Great Lakes Segway Overview
Pedego Images
Customer and team member in Walled Lake Pedego showroom
Ashok Sharma with John E. Smith, owner Walled Lake Pedego
Customer at Walled Lake Pedego Grand Opening June 2021
Bikes outside of Walled Lake Pedego store
Customer checks out bikes at Walled Lake Pedego Grand Opening June 2021
Select bikes outside of Walled Lake Pedego store
Bikes outside of Walled Lake Pedego store
Walled Lake Pedego Ribbon Cutting June 2021
Walled Lake Pedego Ribbon Cutting June 2021
Customer looks over bikes at Walled Lake Pedego
Customer checks out bikes at Walled Lake Pedego Grand Opening June 2021
Walled Lake Pedego Showroom
Walled Lake Pedego Showroom
Questions and media interview requests:
Megan Smith
John E. Smith